
T.6.1 – Elaboration of an exploitation plan

An exploitation plan will be produced, containing: objectives in terms of sustainability, transferability, and replicability; measures to undertake (during and after the end of the project) that will help to achieve the expected impact of the project; selection of the project’s results that should be exploited; strategy to put in place to ensure their exploitation and the mobilisation of investments; timing of the strategy and activities, including the after-LIFE period; target groups that should make use of the project’s results and an involvement strategy; role and responsibility of each partner in the continuation of the project. The plan will include the explanation of the objective of the LIFE BEEadapt Model (see task 6.2) and the strategy for its transferability and replicability, that will be implemented in tasks 6.4 and 6.5. SUSDEF will draft the plan in the second year in coordination with the other partners, and update it during the project implementation if needed.

LIFE21-CCA-IT-LIFE BEEadapt/101074591 |
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